- Louis Vuitton
- Hermes
- Chanel
Due to current market supply and demand we only are taking Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Chanel bags. If you have a bag other than these please submit the details in our contact form to the right.
Welcome to Sell Handbags NYC, where you guessed it, we buy handbags, we buy top designer luxury handbags from major designers such as Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Fendi, Prada, Gucci, Burberry and many others.
We are located in midtown NYC and if you want a quote either fill out the form on the right or give us a call for a quote over the phone for your handbag. We are open 6 days a week and are open until 6pm so feel free to give us a call.
Why keep a handbag you don’t wear anymore when you can sell it for top dollar and purchase a new handbag you want, or if you are in need of cash and want to sell your handbag in our NYC office for cash we provide that option as well.
We buy all designer handbags in the NYC metropolitan area and also accept out of town items via mail as well.
Sell Hermes Handbags
Looking to sell your beloved Hermès handbag for some quick cash? Look no further! We specialize in buying ALL types of Hermès bags and offer top dollar for your gently used treasure.
Say goodbye to your unused bag and hello to a great price! We’re conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan (30 West 47th st #806) and are always eager to give you a fair and competitive offer.
Ready to give your bag a new life (and earn some cash)? Here are your options:
- Get a free quote online: Simply fill out the form on our website and we’ll get back to you with an estimate in no time.
- Walk in during store hours: We’re open Monday-Saturday, 10am-6pm, and would love to see your bag in person!
- Give us a call: Sometimes, talking helps! Let’s chat about your bag and what we can offer.
Remember, selling your Hermès through us is quick, easy, and secure. Get started today and turn your pre-loved luxury into something new!
Give your Chanel a new chapter, and get some cash to write the next one!
Thinking of saying “adieu” to your stunning Chanel handbag? We specialize in giving beloved Chanel bags a new lease on life, while offering you top dollar in return.
Here’s why selling to us is a dream come true:
- We love ALL Chanel designs! From classic flaps to trendy Boy bags, we know the magic these beauties hold.
- Get a no-pressure, fair offer. We’re experts in luxury handbags and ensure you get what your Chanel deserves.
- Selling is a breeze! Choose between a quick online quote, a relaxed in-store visit (Mon-Sat, 10am-6pm), or a friendly chat over the phone.
- We’re conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan (30 West 47th st #806). Drop by anytime!
Ready to transform your pre-loved Chanel into something new? Let’s make it happen:
- Get a free quote online: Fill out the form on our website and we’ll work our magic.
- Walk in and say hello! We’d love to see your Chanel masterpiece in person.
- Give us a call: Let’s discuss your bag and its exciting future!
Remember, selling with us is fast, secure, and oh-so-satisfying. So, give your Chanel a chance to shine with someone new, while enriching your own story.